2024 Student Code of Conduct
At Hume Conservatorium we value:
Creativity, to foster and support artistic creativity in our community;
Courage, to explore innovative ideas and partnerships and be courageous in our approach to problems and opportunities;
Community, to engage with everyone in an open, accepting, encouraging and welcoming way;
Accountability, to behave with honesty and transparency with our stakeholders, and are accountable for our actions;
Excellence, to encompass quality in all that we do and set high standards for ourselves.
To achieve our goals and abide by our values, we would like to provide you with the key aspects of our Code of Conduct. We expect all students of the Conservatorium to adhere to this Code.
All members of the Conservatorium Community whether staff, students, parents, volunteers or the general public are expected to:
- Respect and contribute to the environment of teaching and learning at Hume Conservatorium;
- Treat each other with respect, dignity, honesty and integrity (remembering that young people learn best by example);
- Acknowledge and affirm success in student, teacher and Conservatorium achievements;
- Show proper care and regard for Hume Conservatorium property and the property of others;
- Work constructively to raise any areas of concern suggest improvements;
- Immediately report any issues relating to the health and safety of any person at the conservatorium promptly to a member of staff; and
- Support the Conservatorium’s governing Policies and Procedures.
All Conservatorium students are expected to:
- Be punctual for lessons, performances, rehearsals and other activities at the Conservatorium;
- Be respectful and friendly to every member of the Conservatorium’s community and welcome new students and families;
- Respectfully and responsibly abide by the rules;
- Strive for excellence and advancement to maintain the highest standards in their learning;
- Have their say about activities they are involved in;
- Take care when handling Conservatorium property, such as respecting loaned instruments;
- Practice regularly between lessons and rehearsals; and
- Present themselves in a respectable manner while learning at the Conservatorium.
All Conservatorium students are expected NOT to:
- Bully, harass, intimidate or discriminate against any other member of the community;
- Be violent or bring illicit materials such as weapons, drugs or alcohol onto campus;
- Leave a group setting or the campus without a responsible adult’s knowledge; or
- Interfere with the education of another student.