I have played the cello for over 45 years, enjoying being part of community orchestras. I look forward to playing in string ensembles with the Hume Con. I have taught cello at a music school and am pleased to be able to take up a teaching position at the Hume Con. I have taught piano since I was 15 in schools and private practice. I have also provided piano accompaniment extensively for exams and auditions.
I recently moved from the city to the country and am enjoying all that the regional area has to offer.
It’s mainly classically oriented
I get a buzz out of teaching people to sight read
A career highlight was playing in the Kuringai Philharmonic Community Orchestra in Sydney.
I’d recommend listening to the Elgar Cello Concerto.
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ABN 53 635 556 875
We acknowledge the traditional Custodians of this Land, where the Aboriginal People have performed age-old ceremonies of storytelling, music, dance and celebration. As a traditional meeting place, many first nations peoples came to this region. Underneath our buildings and roads this Land always will be traditional Aboriginal Land. in the same way, all music making genres and practices come from our musical elders, so we acknowledge those on whose skills and wisdom we draw.