Friday 16 September Festival Club Caberet 9.30 – 11pm at the Goulburn Club
Saturday 17 September 10.30am -11.45am at Hume Conservatorium
On Friday night join Richard Lane and Glenn Amer for the festival Club Caberet at the Goulburn Club. Wind down with drinks and enjoy the music of these incredible local artists.Â
Richard Lane and Glenn Amer take you back to the great old songs of yesteryear songs to dance to, songs to fall in love to, and songs to sweep you off your feet.
Richard Lane teaches voice at Hume Conservatorium and runs the Vocal Muster in Wingercarribee. Richards passion is helping young people find their voice and develop their skills.Â
Glenn is Director of Music to St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Cremorne and enjoys playing the three manual pipe organ there and regularly plays at the five manual console of the Sydney Town Hall. Glenn is the previous Head of the Piano Faculty at Hume Conservatorium. Â
They look forward to taking you on journey down memory lane.
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ABN 53 635 556 875
We acknowledge the traditional Custodians of this Land, where the Aboriginal People have performed age-old ceremonies of storytelling, music, dance and celebration. As a traditional meeting place, many first nations peoples came to this region. Underneath our buildings and roads this Land always will be traditional Aboriginal Land. in the same way, all music making genres and practices come from our musical elders, so we acknowledge those on whose skills and wisdom we draw.