Coming up this month we host a fantastic concert from one of Australia’s best vocal groups, and they even come from our region, based in Ngunnawal country! Since 2015, Luminescence has performed extensively in Canberra and the surrounding regions, with their own concert series as well as appearing for a range of festivals and special events. They are regular performers at the Canberra International Music Festival.
Their music covers everything from the Renaissance to the 21st century, and regularly includes new music by Australian composers, including composers within their own ranks. Luminescence Chamber Singers also delivers a range of educational activities, including workshops, young artist programs, masterclasses, and holiday programs, as well as hosting the Luminescence Children’s Choir.
In drawing breath Luminescence Chamber Singers explore first breaths, last breaths, and music as diverse as the vast compass of human life and feeling in between: from Pink Floyd, Florence and the Machine to much older music by Machaut and Gesualdo, as well as new works by Brenda Gifford, Connor D’Netto and Dan Walker.
Our breath is a base expression of our feelings – we let out an anxious or surprised gasp or a sigh of relief. We take a deep breath when we brace ourselves, and hold our breath when we wait. We talk about our breath when we are awestruck when we rest, when we sigh, or speak, or sing. And in recent years, we have witnessed and experienced difficulty in breathing from the thick smoke of bushfires to the spectre of respiratory infection.
Meanwhile, the words “I can’t breathe” resonate around the world as a harrowing reminder of the ongoing persecution of black communities both in the United States and here at home in Australia.
For anyone studying or interested in the the power of singing and the human voice, this will be an exciting performance and, for students, a great opportunity to see other young performers in action. There are special ticket rates for Hume Con supporters please use HUME22 to receive a discount on your tickets.
21 October
Creative Precinct 48 Verner St Goulburn (Side entrance to the Con)
6.30 pm for 7 pm start
Pink FLOYD arr. Dan WALKER | Breathe
MACHAUT | Motet no 2: Sospiro (Breath)
Dan WALKER | Listen, Are You Living Just A Little And Calling It A Life? [world premiere]
Andrew Ford | Red Dirt Hymns: Dark Cloud
Carlo GESUALDO | Sospirava il mio core (Sighs my heart)
Hildegard von BINGEN | O ignis spiritus (O spirit of fire)
Connor D’NETTO | Many Passes and Yearnings [world premiere]
Carlo GESUALDO | Dolcissimo Sospiro (Sweetest breath)
David LANG | When it is time (from ‘little match girl passion’)
Andrew Ford | Red Dirt Hymns: Isolation Hymn
Adrian WILLAERT | Sospiri Miei (My sighs)
Brenda GIFFORD | Yangaa
Jess GREEN | I Heard You Sing
Florence WELCH arr. Dan WALKER | Between Two Lungs
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© 2022 Hume Conservatorium
ABN 53 635 556 875
We acknowledge the traditional Custodians of this Land, where the Aboriginal People have performed age-old ceremonies of storytelling, music, dance and celebration. As a traditional meeting place, many first nations peoples came to this region. Underneath our buildings and roads this Land always will be traditional Aboriginal Land. in the same way, all music making genres and practices come from our musical elders, so we acknowledge those on whose skills and wisdom we draw.