Mighty Playwrights inspire Mighty Tunesmiths.
Inspired by the values and success of the Mighty Playwrights Program, Hume Conservatorium have developed the Mighty Tunesmiths Program.Â
Mighty Tunesmiths is a program that works alongside Mighty Playwrights to champion the creativity and expressive might of young artists. Staff from the Hume Conservatorium along with composers from the community, mentor 6 young composers of high-school age to compose themes and musical elements for the plays written by the playwrights. This complex process involves the students receiving a loan of a mobile home studio set-up from the Conservatorium and weekly meetings with mentors to discus the plays, share compositions and learn tricks of the trade.
The six composers Callum White, Paige Kennedy-Fischer, Austin Johnson, Bella Remington, Eliott Ross and Corina Fitzsimmons have each been assigned a play. Drawing inspiration from just the scripts, having never seen the plays, these young composers shape and manipulate sounds using digital recording software to enhance the plays by establishing moods, supporting the directors to build tension and creating sweeping ambient soundscapes to help bring these wonderful plays to life!
We are very excited to see the cumulation of these two projects and know audiences will be delighted with high quality storytelling these artists have achieved.
Now in its third successful year, Mighty Playwrights sees local primary students, nominated by their schools, work with professional mentors at Goulburn Mulwaree Library to develop and write short play scripts. The plays are then transformed into full-scale productions by Goulburn’s Lieder Theatre Company.
Goulburn Mulwaree Library and the Lieder Theatre Company’s multi-award winning Mighty Playwrights program inspires young people to discover the power of their own thoughts and voices through literacy, education, story-telling and the performing arts. Mighty Playwrights encourages and celebrates self-expression, lifelong learning, and the free exploration of ideas and the imagination.
Full of adventure, humour and friendship, the plays showcase some of the best writing and performances in the Goulburn region, regardless of the age of the playwrights. Enjoy a fantastic night of live theatre, and embrace the joy of the Mighty Playwrights.
Mighty Playwrights will be at the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre 21 -22 September 2022
Equipment used for the compositions funded by the Create NSW Creative Capital grants Program 2022.Â
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ABN 53 635 556 875
We acknowledge the traditional Custodians of this Land, where the Aboriginal People have performed age-old ceremonies of storytelling, music, dance and celebration. As a traditional meeting place, many first nations peoples came to this region. Underneath our buildings and roads this Land always will be traditional Aboriginal Land. in the same way, all music making genres and practices come from our musical elders, so we acknowledge those on whose skills and wisdom we draw.