Hume Conservatorium are thrilled to host a performance of the award nominated Requiem by Paul Stanhope. The Requiem will be performed by the Sydney Chamber Choir as part of the Hume Chamber Music Festival.
Prior to the Requiem the Chamber Choir will perform with Students from local primary school choirs and our own Vocalocal Choir led by Ben Scott.
“In his new Requiem, Paul Stanhope has interspersed and, in some cases, replaced the words of the traditional Latin Requiem with poems by five women. As Stanhope notes, the choice of female poets was not pre-planned but the end result of an instinctive set of decisions. The result is a work of nuanced expressive variety alternating between ritualised sorrow and reflection reminiscent of Britten’s War Requiem.
With soprano and tenor soloists (a pristine clear-voiced soprano Chloe Lankshear, and gently grained tenor, Richard Butler) and small instrumental ensemble of oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, harp and percussion, the new Requiem has clarity of shape, and fresh and imaginative musical ideas, all wrought together with Stanhope’s characteristic high craft.” – By Peter McCallum (
Sydney Chamber Choir – Garden of the Soul
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ABN 53 635 556 875
We acknowledge the traditional Custodians of this Land, where the Aboriginal People have performed age-old ceremonies of storytelling, music, dance and celebration. As a traditional meeting place, many first nations peoples came to this region. Underneath our buildings and roads this Land always will be traditional Aboriginal Land. in the same way, all music making genres and practices come from our musical elders, so we acknowledge those on whose skills and wisdom we draw.