Wendy Champion has a BMUS (hons 1) in classical flute performance. She studied with Dr Danielle Eden, Lamorna Nightingale and Leonie Khoury. Wendy has played with the Sydney Youth Orchestra and Penrith Symphony and has taught woodwind and later brass and piano in a number of towns in the New England region over 15 years. In 2020, her long-term saxophone student at Warialda High School received 98% for HSC music and was nominated to play solo in ‘Encore’ in the Sydney Opera House. The same year, her long-term Inverell flute student received 95% for HSC music and prior to the COVID situation, she led state music camp ensembles for two years running. This term Wendy is teaching piano students at the lovely Gunning public school and has started teaching locally at the Conservatorium. It has been wonderful to see more of her family since returning to Goulburn and to join students in their musical journeys. She commenced her own flute lessons in year 10 high school, so it’s wonderful to meet students who can start much earlier!
Anyone who wants to learn is a treat to teach
I’ve got a couple of “life-time” friends I keep in touch with met through music
Verklarte Nacht arranged for string orchestra or if this is too much Dvorak Cello concerto in B minor 2nd movement or Saint Saens Violin Concerto
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© 2022 Hume Conservatorium
ABN 53 635 556 875
We acknowledge the traditional Custodians of this Land, where the Aboriginal People have performed age-old ceremonies of storytelling, music, dance and celebration. As a traditional meeting place, many first nations peoples came to this region. Underneath our buildings and roads this Land always will be traditional Aboriginal Land. in the same way, all music making genres and practices come from our musical elders, so we acknowledge those on whose skills and wisdom we draw.